We’re changing it up this year….
Our traditional writing workshop is on hiatus for 2025. (We plan to bring it back better than ever next year!) But don’t worry! We’ve got some fun Bonus Activities to help you get your manuscript-sharing fix. These are free to all convention members, with no additional sign-up required; just show up with your material ready to go, and have a good time sharing and learning with your fellow Narrativitists!
Thursday, noon-2:00 pm: 2-Page Read-and-React
Participants submit the first two pages of their manuscript. (Yes, on real paper.) Then everyone sits in a circle with their eyes closed. One of our designated Readers picks a manuscript at random and starts reading; when you recognize your own, open your eyes and watch the audience’s reactions in real time. There will be a brief opportunity for comments afterward, when you may reveal yourself as the author or remain anonymous, as you choose.
Thursday, 3:00-5:00 pm: Query Slam!
Like a poetry slam, but for queries! Bring your query letter (or Amazon blurb or other equivalent) and read it aloud to your fellow journeyers in the trenches. Or, swap with another participant, and hear what your query sounds like in someone else’s voice! There will be a brief opportunity for comments afterward, so you can gauge how well the book you’re describing matches the book you wrote.
(Be aware that there may be some ConSuite set-up going on around the margins during these times. Also, early arrivals are welcome to come hang out in the ConSuite, though someone may come up to you and say “Hey, wanna help?”)
And don’t forget that the Social Soirée kicks off at 7:30 pm on Thursday evening. Good food, good company, and a good chance to meet your fellow Narrativitists and share what you’ve learned!