In film theory, narrativity refers to the processes by which a story is both presented by the filmmaker and interpreted by the viewer. We fell in love the first time we read that, because that’s exactly how we think about stories – as a process shared between the writer and the reader.
And that’s why we’ve started Narrativity, the convention: so we can bring together readers and writers and talk about how to make good stories. We want to delve deep into the intricacies of writing fiction – mainly fantasy, which includes science fiction for our purposes, but we believe there’s something of value to be learned from any genre. And we want to explore what happens when eyeballs meet those squiggly little marks on page or screen.
We also want to tell bad jokes, eat good food, greet old friends and meet new ones. Just because we have all these high-falutin’ ideas about Art doesn’t mean we can’t have fun, too!
So that’s what’s brought us this far. July 12-14 is going to be a great weekend. We’ve got a lovely hotel, the Crowne Plaza Minneapolis West. Steven Brust is putting together a terrific line-up of programming for us. And there’ll be a bunch of smart, insightful people discussing interesting topics in delightful depth.
That last is where you come in.
If you haven’t already, swing by the Registration page and sign up. If you have any questions, see the Contact page or comment here. And if you want to be part of the best little convention a fantasy-lover’s brain could ask for, know that you’ve come to the right place!
Watch this space for further updates….