
Money Is Better Than Poverty, If Only For Convention Reasons

For the financial geeks among us, here’s a helping of pie-charty goodness: the post-con financial report for Narrativity 2024.

For those who don’t want to delve into how the sausage is made, perhaps you’d prefer pine martens on a swingset?

The short version: Membership was down, mostly due to your Herder of Otters being diverted by some personal stuff. But donations were way, way up, mostly due to people being awesome. Thank you all!

For comparison, previous years’ reports can be found here:   2019   2021   2022   2023

We had 55 memberships and approximately 50 warm bodies. We did some different things at the con to accommodate the lower numbers, several of which worked out really well! We have plans in the works to help get membership back up again for next year (but we’ll also keep the fun new activities).

2024 Financial Report Pie Charts

Starting Balance: $1,148.87
Memberships $2,592.00
Workshop Fees $600.00
Donations (all sources) $2,204.99
Other Income
Total Revenue $5,396.99
Hotel $3,088.12
Workshop $347.17
PayPal fees $154.65
Consuite (durable goods) $59.41
Consuite (consumables) $675.70
Printing $148.04
Meeting Supplies – badgeholders, etc. $177.25
Meeting Supplies – other $16.94
Covid supplies
Website $175.83
Admin – legal & gov’t. $600.00
Admin – other $13.84
Total Expenditures $5,456.95
Net $(59.96)
Current Balance: $1,088.91

Donations this year included a very generous helping hand from our friends at Larkin Hoffman. Thanks, folks!

And that rather large Administration line item? That includes Narrativity’s application for federal 501(c)3 status. If all goes well and the application is approved, we’ll be an official tax-exempt nonprofit organization. (A big thank you to Larkin Hoffman for their assistance with that process, as well!)

Registration for Narrativity 2025 will be opening soon! If you’re not on our mailing list, tell us you want to be, and subscribe to website updates to make sure you stay informed about all the cool stuff we’re planning. We’re looking forward to another great year, and the best part is sharing it!

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