
Help us build Writers Against Humanity

Last year, one of our favorite activities was creating Writers Against Humanity: Narrativity Edition (a.k.a. Cards Against Narrativity). It was a lot of good, not-necessarily-clean fun. We want to premier the full deck at this year’s Narrativity, but… we need more cards! And that’s where you come in.

Download the deck-so-far here:

And then give us your best/weirdest/most Narrativity ideas for new cards in the comments below.


How the game works: One player draws a “question” card and reads it aloud. The other players each select an “answer” card from their hands and turn it in. The questioner reads all the answers and picks the one they like best — which may be the best fit, the funniest, or just the one that best plays to the judge.

For example, a “question” card could be:

My novel was going fine until ________ brought it to a screeching halt.

And some “answers” could be:

Steve’s hat
A failure of profraeding
A detailed outline delineating every scene down to the paragraph level
Service dogs

Note that “answers” should be nouns or things that work like nouns, and “questions” should have blanks that can be filled by nouns without doing too much violence to English grammar.

The original Cards Against Humanity game is rude, crude, and socially unacceptable. We’re certainly not looking to make our version clean — you’ve met us, right? — but we are looking for questions and answers that are writing-themed or specific to Narrativity. Have fun!

And if you want to see the new deck at its premier, be sure to get your memberships for Narrativity 2025: It Was A Dark And Stormy Night! You know you want to….


ObDisclaimer: Writers Against Humanity: Narrativity Edition is based, obviously, on Cards Against Humanity, which you can find out more about at https://www.cardsagainsthumanity.com/ if you’ve been living under a rock for the past decade or two.

Yes, some of our cards are from, or clearly derived from, the original game. Sometimes something is so right (or wrong) it just can’t be improved on.

Just like the original game, Writers Against Humanity: Narrativity Edition is distributed under the Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 2.0 License. [http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.0/] That means that:

Attribution: If you distribute our game, give us credit for the content. (Linking back to this page is a nice touch.)

Noncommercial: You can’t sell our game or any derivative of our game for money or a publishing contract.

Share Alike: If you modify and/or distribute our game, you must also use the Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 2.0 License.

You must also comply with the laws of the U.S., your location, and physics. Don’t use any form of this game for nefarious purposes like libel, slander, copyright infringement, or being a jerk. If you break the law and get in trouble for it, or get in trouble without breaking the law for that matter, Narrativity is free of all liability.

4 thoughts on “Help us build Writers Against Humanity

  1. Question cards:

    – The top download on my patreon page is a short story about _______.
    – I’ve invented a new magic system based entirely on ________.
    – The best way to guarantee your story gets published is to include ________.
    – _________ and __________ are the two most essential elements of any story. (2)
    – The most essential element in successful world building is to involve ________.
    – The quickest way to annoy Majikjon at the sound mixer is due to _________.
    – At the music circle Steve entertained everyone with a bawdy song about _________.
    – At the lunch break, we tried a new local restaurant with a theme based around ___________.
    – A good way to get around writer’s block is to just close your eyes, and imagine __________.
    – ___________ is the name of my next folk-fusion band.
    – I was writing in a really good groove until I was unexpectedlty interrupted by __________ and lost my train of thought.
    – If you show a ________ on the wall in the first act, it should always be used by the third act.
    – Murphy’s Law as it applies to fantasy authors says that __________ will always result at every available opportunity.
    – I’m sure my book will sell, since it features ________, __________, and __________. (3)

    Answer Cards:

    An antgonist who is more likeable than the main character.
    Not speaking directly into the microphone.
    An ill-advised crossover story.
    A visitor from Porlock.
    Trashy detective novels set in Scotland.
    An entirely unsympathetic protagonist.

  2. Questions: The author employed empathy only after_______.
    Only ___________includes graphic sex in fantasy stories.

    Answers: A rectal cranialectomy
    The heartbreak of psoriasis

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