
Registration Is Open!

Narrativity 2020: They’ll Never See It Coming will be held September 5-7, 2020 at the Crowne Plaza Minneapolis West. That’s Saturday through Monday of Labor Day weekend, giving us three full days to talk story to our heart’s content. Registration is just $40 if you sign up now. Memberships are limited, so don’t delay! They’ll… Continue reading Registration Is Open!


Narrativity 2020: Labor Day?

We’re looking at dates for Narrativity in 2020, and right now the front-runner is Labor Day weekend. Longer weekend! More time for more fun! Also DragonCon, the Minnesota State Fair, and a whole lot of other things that traditionally keep people busy. So, we’re asking for input. If you attended Narrativity in 2019, you should… Continue reading Narrativity 2020: Labor Day?


All About the Benjamins

For those who are curious about such things, the post-con financial report for Narrativity 2019 is presented herein for your delectation. For those of you who don’t want to know how the sausage is made — hey, look! Otters! The short version: We did okay. We didn’t break even, but first-year cons rarely do. And… Continue reading All About the Benjamins


We Have Narrativitized

Staggering up through the blurriness of the con-over (as Jane puts it), I find what I feel most, after exhaustion, is gratitude. Thanks to the concom and staff, for all your creativity and hard work. Thanks to all the volunteers in the consuite and elsewhere, who saw something that needed to be done and jumped… Continue reading We Have Narrativitized


Narrativity Booklist

Here are the books (and other story forms) that have been mentioned during panels. This’ll be updated periodically during the convention. If you have additions or corrections, please leave them in the comments. Naomi Alderman, The Power Ursula Vernon (as T. Kingfisher), “Packing” Connie Willis, Passage Raymond Chandler, the Philip Marlowe stories Evelyn Waugh, Decline… Continue reading Narrativity Booklist


One day and counting….

Narrativity starts tomorrow! It’s been a long road getting here, and I’m really excited to see it all come together, and to see all of you here. When you get to the hotel, if you enter at the main lobby, hang a left and head all the way down to the end of that wing.… Continue reading One day and counting….


Panels and Music and ConSuite, Oh My!

We’re in the closing stretch, and things are coming together! In just nine days, Narrativity will kick off, and the fun goes on all weekend long. Panels The panel schedule is up! You can whet your appetite here. There’s still room for another panelist on some of the panels, so if you see something you… Continue reading Panels and Music and ConSuite, Oh My!


Membership Price Extension

Good news! We’ve extended the current membership price of $55 through July 8th.  So if you’re just now joining us, you’ve still got time to sign up before the cost goes up! (The cut-off date for the hotel room block is still June 21st, so be sure to make your reservations before then to get… Continue reading Membership Price Extension



Want to help out? Going to a convention or other event whose attendees might be interested in Narrativity? Why not take some flyers? We have two different flyers available. Check them out, and print as many copies as you need of whichever one takes your fancy. Or both, if that’s how you roll. FLYER1_StormingTheBarricades.pdf FLYER2_BrainStretching.pdf… Continue reading Flyers