
Covid Policy for 2025

At Narrativity, you’re welcome to share ideas, tips, bad jokes, good food… but not Covid-19. If you’re planning to attend Narrativity 2025, be prepared to follow these rules: You must be vaccinated against Covid-19, including at least one booster shot (or be medically unable to be vaccinated). We strongly encourage getting the most updated booster… Continue reading Covid Policy for 2025


Money Is Better Than Poverty, If Only For Convention Reasons

For the financial geeks among us, here’s a helping of pie-charty goodness: the post-con financial report for Narrativity 2024. For those who don’t want to delve into how the sausage is made, perhaps you’d prefer pine martens on a swingset? The short version: Membership was down, mostly due to your Herder of Otters being diverted… Continue reading Money Is Better Than Poverty, If Only For Convention Reasons


Ride-shares and Room-shares for 2024

Looking for a way to keep costs down for Narrativity? Why not share the ride, or the room? Comment below with what you’re looking for: a ride or riders for the trip there and/or back, or a room or roommates in the hotel. Include what your schedule is, and how best to contact you. And… Continue reading Ride-shares and Room-shares for 2024


Two Days Left for $42!

Life, the universe, everything… and your Narrativity 2024 membership. They’re all just 42 — but only if you sign up in the next two days! Registration goes up to $55 on February 10, so be a hoopy frood and get your membership now. And once you’ve done that, check out our writing workshop: a whole… Continue reading Two Days Left for $42!


Writing Workshop is Open!

Sign-ups are now open for our 2024 Writing Workshop! On Thursday, May 30, you and ten pages of your manuscript can spend a day with a nifty group of your fellow writers and one of our workshop leaders, and dig deep into how to make that story all that it can be. The cost is… Continue reading Writing Workshop is Open!


Happy Holidays

Here’s hoping that whatever you celebrate this time of year, it’s full of fun and all your favorite people! And hey, if you’re looking for that last-minute present, remember that Narrativity memberships make great gifts. 😉 May the long nights bring you inspiration, and the new year bring you success!


Panels! Panels! Panels!

More cool topics than you can shake a mouse-pointer at: The preliminary panel list is up! Peruse to your heart’s content, then let Erin, our Paragon of Programming, know what you want to see, what you want to be a panelist on, and what wonderful ideas you’d like to add to the list. 202 days… Continue reading Panels! Panels! Panels!


Registration is Open for 2024!

The moment you’ve been waiting for is finally here: Registration is now open for Narrativity 2024: Romancing the Muse! You can join us at the lovely Crowne Plaza in Plymouth, MN, from Thursday, May 30 through Sunday, June 2, 2024, and you don’t even need soft music or flowers — just forty-two bucks. (What can… Continue reading Registration is Open for 2024!


Covid Policy for 2024

Many things are welcome at Narrativity, but Covid-19 isn’t one of them! So that everyone can enjoy a congenial and Covid-free convention, all attendees of Narrativity 2024 must follow these rules: PROOF OF VACCINATION against Covid-19, including AT LEAST ONE BOOSTER shot, is REQUIRED for admission. We strongly recommend getting the most updated bivalent vaccine… Continue reading Covid Policy for 2024


A Con and Its Money Are Soon Parted

For your fiscal delectation, herewith is presented the post-con financial report for Narrativity 2023. For those who prefer not to see how the sausage is made, may we suggest Pachelbel’s Chicken? The short version: We’re doing pretty well, mostly due to the astounding generosity of donations. Whether you chipped in a little or a lot,… Continue reading A Con and Its Money Are Soon Parted